Recruitment Update – October 2013

In line with previous months, October has seen a number of new instructions at Oyster as market sentiment continues to improve in line with the upturn in the wider economy. Listed below is a smattering of our latest vacancies for both lawyers and other professionals who work in law firms:


Partner/Partner Designate

Cardiff: Commercial Litigation Partner, Law Firm

London: Commercial Litigation Partner, UK Firm

London: FS Litigation Partner, UK Firm

London: FS Regulatory Partner, UK Firm

Newcastle: Procurement Partner, Law Firm

Dubai: Partner Designate, Corporate, International Law Firm

London: Partner Designate, Commercial Litigation, International Law Firm



Cambridge: Senior Associate, Real Estate, UK Law Firm

East Anglia: 3-6PQE Shipping Lawyer, Regional Law Firm

Hong Kong: 6+PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

Hong Kong: 4PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

Leeds: Senior Associate, R&I, Law Firm

London: 5+PQE Financial Services Regulation, International Law Firm

London: 3-5PQE, Corporate M&A, International Law Firm

London: 3-5PQE, Corporate Insurance, International Law Firm

London: 1-3PQE, Financial Services Regulation, International Law Firm

London: 2-4PQE R&I, International Law Firm

London: 2-3PQE, Corporate M&A, US Law Firm

London: 2-4PQE Shipping Lawyers, Boutique Shipping Firm

London: 2-3PQE, Corporate Tax, US Law Firm

Manchester: 1-2PQE, TMT, International Law Firm

Newcastle: Senior Associate, R&I, Law Firm

Paris: 2+PQE Shipping Lawyer, International Law Firm


Business Services

London: Head of HR, International Law Firm

London: Manager, Partnership Office

London: Reward Manager, International Law Firm

London: Learning & Development Manager, International Law firm

London: Recruitment Advisor


For further details of these and other opportunities please contact Michael Pickup

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