Recruitment Update – September 2013

Client sentiment continues to improve with a number of law firms due to post strong financial results for the first six months of the financial year. As the domestic economy picks up we believe that this will lead to an uptick in the demand for both lawyers and business service professionals in the months ahead. Listed below are just some of the instructions we are currently working on:


Partner/Partner Designate

London: Commercial Litigation Partner, UK Firm

London: FS Litigation Partner, UK Firm

London: FS Regulatory Partner, UK Firm

Dubai: Partner Designate, Corporate, International Law Firm

London: Partner Designate, Commercial Litigation, International Law Firm



Cambridge: Senior Associate, Real Estate, UK Law Firm

Hong Kong: 6+PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

Hong Kong: 4PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

East Anglia: 3-6PQE Shipping Lawyer, Regional Law Firm

Paris: 2+PQE Shipping Lawyer, International Law Firm

London: 2-3PQE, Corporate M&A, US Law Firm

London: 2-4PQE Shipping Lawyers, Boutique Shipping Firm

London: 2-3PQE, Corporate Tax, US Law Firm

Manchester: 1-2PQE, TMT, International Law Firm


Business Services

London: Reward Manager, International Law Firm

London: Learning & Development Manager, International Law firm

London: Interim HR Manager, International Law Firm


For details of these and other opportunities and/or to discuss your future career, please contact Michael Pickup.





Recruitment Update – Shipping Vacancies

Oyster has received a number of new instructions for England & Wales qualified shipping lawyers, full details of which can be found on our website but which include the following opportunities:

Hong Kong: 6+PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

Hong Kong: 4PQE Shipping, Trade & Energy Lawyer, International Law Firm

Paris: 2+PQE Shipping Lawyer, International Law Firm

London: 2-4PQE Shipping Lawyers, Boutique Shipping Firm

East Anglia: 3-6PQE Shipping Lawyer, Regional Law Firm


For full details of these and other opportunities please take a look at our website or contact Michael Pickup.


Recruitment Update – August 2013

Recruitment activity among the law firms remains buoyant through the summer months with Oyster receiving instructions on a number of fronts.

We fully expect demand to continue improving as the economy continues to steadily improve so please do watch this space. In the meantime, here are just a smattering of our latest vacancies.

In terms of Human Resources there is a particular need in both specialist areas and on the interim side. Examples include, L&D Manager, Compensation & Benefits Manager, Employee Relations Manager and Interim HR Business Partners.

On the fee earning front, both UK and US law firms continue to hire in areas such as Corporate M&A, Banking and Commercial Litigation.

We would be particularly pleased to hear from Senior Associates in Commercial Litigation looking for partnership in one of the leading CDR practices in the City. We would also welcome the opportunity to speak with partners who have a background in Funds and Financial Services, particularly in relation to advising HNWs, entrepreneurs and SMES.

For full details of these and other opportunities please contact Michael Pickup.




Recruitment Update – Human Resources – July 2013

The first 6 months of 2013 have been a busy one with many of our clients seeking to recruit HR professionals in to both generalist HR roles and more specialist areas such as Learning & Development, Compensation & Benefits and Graduate Recruitment.

A similar pattern is emerging this July and in to August and beyond with clients looking to recruit in a number of  areas. These include the need for experienced Recruitment Managers, Learning & Development Managers in London, Hong Kong and Australia respectively, Employee Relations specialists and interim and permanent HR Business Partners. Medium-term, a growing number of HR Directors are also expressing a real interest in more junior, high potential HR professionals.

If, as we suspect, this trend continues then we believe that the second half of 2013 presents a real opportunity for HR professionals to take that next step and progress their career. For anyone thinking of doing so then we would only be too happy to hear from you and/or chat to you more generally about your HR career. Simply contact Michael Pickup at Oyster.


Recruitment Update – East Anglia – July 2013

Along with the broader economic outlook, the legal recruitment market in East Anglia continues to improve with clients reporting increased revenues and profitability on the one hand and the need for new recruits on the other.

Encouragingly, the real estate market is relatively buoyant and just at the moment we are keen to hear from senior and experienced real estate lawyers and particularly anyone with development, regeneration and projects experience. On a separate note we are actively interested in hearing from shipping lawyers, particularly anyone with dry shipping experience.

More generally, we are always  happy to hear from lawyers who may be thinking about relocating to East Anglia with a view to living and working in the region.

On a lighter note, East Anglia comes in to it’s own in the summer months and with it, myriad opportunities for people to “get out and about”. Cultural events feature highly on my own list of “things to do”, especially Aldeburgh Music’s Britten Centenary, The Snape Proms and, coming up in October, The Flipside Festival Art lovers might also wish to check out Roger Hardy’s latest work at one of his forthcoming exhibitions. You can find out more a

For full details of our latest legal jobs in East Anglia please contact Michael Pickup.